Tips for epicondylitis

This information is intended for a better understanding of epicondylitis, but should in no way replace a visit to the doctor or be used for self-diagnosis!

Understanding the injury = get well soon

In order to get better faster, it is important to at least roughly understand which movements and activities strain the tendons severely and possibly even aggravate the injury.

In this chapter you will read, among other things:

  • Where does the pain come from?
  • Negative influences
  • How can I protect myself?
  • Risk groups and much more.


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There are basically two types of epicondylitis:

  • Epicondylitis lateralis humeri (Epicondylitis humeri radialis = tennis elbow)
  • Epicondylitis ulnaris humeri (Epicondylitis humeri medialis = golfer’s elbow)

Flexor and extensor of the wrist

Basically, the flexor and extensor of the wrists are mainly responsible for the maximum load on the tendons. The so called extensor stresses the outer tendon insertion (lateral, radial = tennis elbow), the flexor stresses the inner tendon insertion (ulnar, medial = golfer’s elbow).

For example, the tennis elbow is often diagnosed by stretching the hand towards the top of the hand and the middle finger towards the body when the arm is stretched. This leads to a stress pain.

The same applies to the golfer’s arm, except that the hand has to be bend extremely towards the palm of the hand.

Other negative influences – vibrations, jerky movements & more

In addition to the movements of the wrist and fingers, jerky movements, vibrations, hyperextension, overstretching may be responsible for extremely straining the tendons. These may prolong the disease duration, and especially in combination these stresses may be unfavorable.

What is the best way to protect myself?

We know that for various reasons (work-related, or in certain sports) you can not always avoid those movements and influences, but there are always ways of reducing them.

For example, in addition to the counter-traction principle of our Masalo Cuff, which protects and relieves the tendon insertions, you can stabilize your wrists somewhat.

We are also working on developing a product therefore, but this will take some time. Currently, in addition to the Masalo Cuff, we recommend the use of a standard wrist bandage. This bandage should be elastic and only slightly cushion the movements of the wrist, as a sort of shock absorber. The wrist should not be stiffening or immobilizing the wrist.

You will find a variety of these bandages very cheap in the well-known online shops, in body stores, gyms etc.

In weight training, so-called fitness gloves with wrist support are often used. These gloves are available in different versions, as half or full finger gloves, and are also very good for protection.

But you can also simply use an elastic strap and put it around the wrist and over and over again and again between thumb and forefingers (not too tight).

What else can I do for my tendons?

Tendons largely consist of collagen (different types) and tend to have a poor recovery ability. It is a so-called bradytrophic tissue (with a slow metabolism), so it’s a tissue with only few blood vessels and nerves.
In old age collagen self-production is reduced, tendons become less elastic

Here you can help with the right, meaning healthy nutrition and also nutritional supplements.
There are very good supplements, but unfortunately also many overpriced and useless products. We can not and do not want to make a recommendation for this reason.

Please be well advised and talk to your local doctor or pharmacist.

Special risk groups, activities, sports

Although our Masalo Cuff is very effective, there are always customers from special risk groups or sports, some of whom have quite a long recovery time.

Particularly stressful are activities with:
Screwdrivers, impact drills, machines that generate large vibrations / shocks, hammers, chisels, saws, fine motor movements of the fingers and wrist (dentists, opticians, podiatry, etc.), frequent repetitions, etc.

Sports that are particularly stressful are:

  • Table tennis (from the wrist)
  • Mountain biking (vibrations)
  • Climbing
  • Weight Training & Body Building
  • Golf
  • Tennis

Stretching exercises

Every athlete knows that stretching is good and important, as is warming up. Now, however, there are many sites on the Internet that recommend stretching exercises for tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow and provide instructions. Some people claim that tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow is just a cramp. Is that true?

In this chapter you will read, among other things:

  • Is stretching useful?
  • How do I stretch correctly?


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We do not want to shed a bad light on these exercises, which obviously help some people, nor do we want to negatively evaluate them. However, we have numerous customers for whom exactly these stretching exercises had drastic consequences. For this reason, we urge you to be careful.

These stretching exercises are executed by stretching the arm and then bending and stretching the hand against resistance. So you exert strong forces on the injured tendons (see also the above explanations under “flexor and extensor of the wrist“)

There is also the so-called “hanging on the pole” – whereby one hangs on a pole (usually fastened in the door frame), which also strongly pulls on the tendons.

Our advice on stretching exercises, hanging from the bar, etc.:

We do not agree with the recommendation of some sites stating “stretch against the pain”.

If you want to do stretching exercises etc., we strongly advise you to do this with care and caution. If you find those stretching exercises to be detrimental to you, pause them. Listen to your body. If, for example, the existing tennis-elbow complaints also show pain on the golfer’s elbow after doing stretching exercises, you should urgently talk to a doctor.

Physiotherapy & Massages

As an alternative to the very controversial stretching exercises discussed in the previous chapter, physiotherapy and massage can possibly make a positive contribution to the healing of epicondylitis. Inflammation and how to fight it is also the content of the following section.

In this chapter you will read, among other things:

  • Is physiotherapy useful?
  • Can massages help me?
  • What can I do personally?
  • Cervical spine
  • Treating inflammations
Woman wears Masalo cuff against tennis elbow and massages her elbow fascia with hedgehog ball


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As already mentioned, some people assume that a tennis elbow / golfer’s elbow is just a cramp. Due to the numerous customer contacts and our own suffering stories and years of research, we can not agree with this statement.

But as often, even in this statement lays a small spark of truth.

The human being has a so-called pain memory and your subconscious mind “knows” after a certain time: “Careful, now it will be packed again, soon the pain will come …”

As a result, you unconsciously adopt restraint, which means you are “cramped” to certain things and activities. In addition to an unfavorable posture (more on this to be found in the chapter “chiropractic treatments”), this often also leads to muscle cramps. A tensed muscle contracts and strains the tendons a lot harder than usual.

Many customers report that these cramps in the muscles of the forearm can even be felt and they describe them as “little bumps”, ie calluses.

Of course, professional physiotherapy is the treatment of choice here, but unfortunately there are restrictions on reimbursement and physiotherapy is not available for free.

A really good alternative are massages with a spiky massage ball or a fascia role.

Buy one of the spiky “hedgehog” balls, they can be bought for under 10 € in a double pack on known online platforms available.

Massage guide

Massage (better, get massaged) the entire forearm muscles several times a week, after work for about 10-15 minutes. You roll the massaging ball with pressure (so that it is still good to bear, but already clearly noticeable) slowly from the wrist towards the elbow.

As a result, cramps dissolve and you create a higher blood flow, which is beneficial for the healing process. In addition, this method is very gentle and pleasant.

Anti-inflammatory & care after massage

An epicondylitis usually consists of two problems. The tendons cause microtrauma (microcracks) and the body reacts with an inflammation.

Although this inflammation disappears in the course of the healing process in many cases, it also happens that it spreads.

Please be sure to talk with a doctor about the treatment options for inflammation, there are numerous and good options there.

At the latest, if you have the feeling that the inflammation spreads throughout your arm, possibly even in the direction of the shoulder, you should consult a doctor. Even in the shoulder sits a bursa that can get inflamed. The bursitis is very painful and the treatment of such a bursitis can be tedious.

If you e.g. feel a rest pain, without straining the arm, there is a suspicion that an inflammation is existent.

Often the inflammation disappears as soon as the tendons heal. You can also support this.

Proven skin remedies include, for example, lace wraps, anti-inflammatory ointments, quark wraps, cooling etc.

You should use an anti-inflammatory ointment according to the instructions for use and apply it several times a day.

For support and after the massage it is very pleasant, e.g. to apply a quark wrap (remove cold cottage cheese from the fridge), then rinse your elbow with an ointment of your choice.

Chiropractic treatments

As soon as you can handle your everyday life carefree again and are free of pain again, except maybe for an occasional “tweaking”, it can be helpful to introduce yourself to a chiropractor.

Due to the described postures the vertebrae, especially the cervical vertebrae, are often no longer optimally aligned. This is usually uncomfortable and maybe even painful and can lead to several consequential damages.

The chiropractor can tackle this problem well and gently. Unfortunately, these therapists are often classified as naturopaths in Germany and other European countries, meaning that you have to pay for these sessions for yourself.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you indulge yourself with a few of these sessions and have your spine straightened.

Exercise & Sport

Thanks to the Masalo Cuff, you can load and use your arms despite epicondylitis. But is even sport possible, and what should be considered?

In this chapter you will read, among other things:

  • Can I play sports despite the injury?
  • What do I have to consider?


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Basically, exercise is conducive to the healing process, but there are often situations where the tennis elbow / golfer’s elbow hurts so much that you can barely move.

However, once you realize that, for example, the Masalo® cuff is relieving the affected area and reduces the pain, move and use the arm as often and as normal as possible.

Using your arm keeps you mobile, but you must be careful not to overdo it. If you are doing sports, reduce the load (take less weight when exercising) and rather do more repetitions.

Always do the exercises slowly and evenly, simply enjoy your regained quality of life.

Please read our special page for further information:
Sports despite epicondylitis“!

What do I do if the injury recurs?

It’s not a pretty thought, but it is possible that the epicondylitis will come back at some point despite previous healing. How can you protect yourself against it?

In this chapter you will read, among other things:

  • Why does the injury come back?
  • How can I protect myself from this?
Woman ironing with pain in elbow due to tennis elbow


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Anyone who has ever had epicondylitis is not immune to recurrence.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for customers putting away the Masalo Cuff too early and then feel the pain again after a short while. If you use our cuff, use it as much as possible until you have fully recovered and then still use it prophylactically for certain activities and sports.

You should never put the cuff completely out of reach, and if you even feel like the pain may “start again”, put the cuff back on immediately. In most cases, you can prevent the injury from getting really bad again and are usually free of pain in just a few days.

Summary tips

In the following, we have compiled and summarized some tips for you so that you can use them compactly and concisely at a glance.

Just click on the button below and benefit from our additional tips to help you fight your epicondylitis.


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